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Netflix - Page 2 Empty Re: Netflix

Post by Suzzzz Sat Jul 24, 2010 9:23 pm

I watched The Green Mile start to finish tonight, thanks to my local vid shop. I have never felt more drained by a movie. I don't know if I could ever watch it again, but I wouldn't trade the experience for anything. The depth and breadth of that story will haunt my thoughts for a long time. That King feller, he can spin a yarn, can't he? Hoo.

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Netflix - Page 2 Empty Re: Netflix

Post by Suzzzz Sat Jul 24, 2010 10:02 pm

I also want to pay tribute to my local video store and remind myself again that Netflix, while useful, is no substitute for the human touch. Yes, Netflix makes it possible for me to watch lots of TV series, documentaries, etc. that a small store can't possibly stock, but I also don't get to peruse the stacks and chat with the movie guy.

For example, I have to tell you a crazy story my guy at the video store told me when I checked out The Green Mile this morning. He said he was running a Hollywood Video store in Nashville TN then the movie first came out. (Side note: apparently it was filmed in Nashville at a very real, if defuct, old prison in the area.) ANYWAY, the movie was released on VHS tapes back then, a 2-tape set because it was so long. They had 300 copies that were never in the store -- they were ALWAYS checked out. He said people would even hang around the store waiting for the next copy to be returned so they could rent it. One morning a woman had been waiting about 30 minutes when someone approached the store with a copy in her hand. Another woman, lurking outside, waylaid her and took the big block o' tapes to bring inside and check them out. The woman waiting inside saw the exchange, howled, and rushed outside to claim her first rights to the movie. The guy said he couldn't believe it. There was a full-fledged cat fight in the parking lot over those tapes with screaming, hair pulling and vicious name calling. At one point, whoever was holding the tapes hauled off and wacked the other woman in the head with them! About that time the police arrived and broke it up. I was so horrified and utterly entertained by his story that I never did ask him if the tapes were playable after that. Razz

But now, you gotta ask yourself, what would King think of that? Personally, I'll bet he'd use it. More important, what would John Coffey have thought of it? *Suze shakes her head*
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Netflix - Page 2 Empty Re: Netflix

Post by jeanebellini Sun Jul 25, 2010 6:36 pm

oh man that's a great story!
that guy NEEDS TO WRITE IT OUT AND SEND IT TO STEVE! I bet he would LOVE it!
though i've never personally met the man, i did get one of the few tickets to his panel when his Dark Tower series being put out as comics.(Peter David wrote the comics and he was at the panel at well). So i got to hear Steve tell stories about things that happened etc. And from that experience i really go believe he would probably be more Laughing than Rolling Eyes or affraid ! he really is a funny dude who talks like he writes....even uses those old little odd phrases he has his characters use. Just a dude from New England who can weave a fantastic tale;)
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Netflix - Page 2 Empty Re: Netflix

Post by Susan A Mon Jul 26, 2010 7:47 pm

So what's up next Suzzzz?
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Netflix - Page 2 Empty Re: Netflix

Post by Suzzzz Mon Jul 26, 2010 9:41 pm

Susan A wrote:So what's up next Suzzzz?

I'm not sure! I've had so many recs from all over. My gymette ladies brainstormed a whole list one day while we worked out, and Michelle on the desk wrote them down. Shall I post it and see what y'all think?

The Green Mile
Deja Vu (Denzel Washington came up)
Secondhand Lions
Return of the Titans
The Big Easy
Toy Story
Wedding Crashers (question mark after that one, not sure why)
Speed (I think we were talking about Sandra Bullock at that point)

Not sure what I think about those. The thing is, although The Green Mile blew me away, I've always been more one for quieter, personal stories. Local Hero, The Station Agent, stuff like that. In a way, I suppose The Green Mile was just that. Very, very personal, eh?

Well, to answer your question, I don't know! Surprised Any suggestions?
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Netflix - Page 2 Empty Re: Netflix

Post by Susan A Tue Jul 27, 2010 9:34 am

Well of that list, and based on what you've said about your preferences, the first one I would recommend is "Secondhand Lions." That's another of those movies we chose to purchase. Michael Cain, Robert Duvall, Kyra Sedgewick, Haley Joel Osmet. How could you go wrong? It is such a sweet and funny movie.

I think you probably mean "Remember the Titans," at least if you are talking about the one with Denzel Washington, Will Patton and a very young Hayden Panettiere. I would recommend that one too. It will strike some familiar notes I'll wager.

I saw "The Big Easy" so long ago, I really don't remember anything about it. I haven't seen "Speed." I liked "Deja Vu" - I always enjoy watching Denzel Washington; it is an interesting premise and a passable thriller. "Toy Story" is pure fun. We saw "Wedding Crashers." It would be pretty far down my list. I recall that it was funny, but just not so much my cup of tea.

"Titanic" is a marathon. If you've never seen it, you should do so. No surprises in the story - the ship sinks, people drown (hope I didn't give away too much there Netflix - Page 2 Icon_wink ). It has been a while, and I do remember being affected by the depiction of a tragedy of that magnitude. The movie weaves a love story around history. I don't feel compelled to revisit it again and again, but I am glad I saw it.

To your list, I might add a few others to consider:

"Contact" - an adaptation of Carl Sagan's novel (and somewhat different). It is quite thought provoking.
"O Brother, Where Art Thou?" - I thought it was beyond hilarious, but opinions vary...The soundtrack is wonderful.
"Space Cowboys" - Clint Eastwood, James Garner, Donald Sutherland and Tommy Lee Jones. (And don't miss the Jay Leno special feature)
"Galaxy Quest" - Tim Allen, Sigourney Weaver, Alan Rickman, Tony Shaloub, Sam Rockwell (Wild Bill from TGM in a comic role)
"The Peacemaker" - Action-adventure AND George Clooney to boot!
"Love Actually"- Not to be watched with young 'uns around, mostly due to some mildly embarrassing sex stuff, but just funny. I really enjoyed the scenes they had to edit out in order to bring it to an acceptable length.
The Incredibles" - Do NOT miss the Jack Jack Attack in the special features.
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Netflix - Page 2 Empty Re: Netflix

Post by Sue Short Tue Jul 27, 2010 6:57 pm

I think you will love Secondhand Lions, it funny, sad and just
good all around good fun. I found Titantic boring beyond belief,
the sound track was all right. James Horner has done better.

You might want to add to your list Catch Me if You Can. Glad you
like the Green Mile, I may revisit that in the near future. If you liked
the Green Mile you might want to check out the Shawshank Redemption
It has Morgan Freeman and I think Tim Robbins.

Anyway that's my two cents worth.
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Netflix - Page 2 Empty Re: Netflix

Post by jeanebellini Tue Jul 27, 2010 7:07 pm

oh Galaxy Quest is fun and funny...i'll watch anything with Tony Shalhoub in it but i saw this on the big screen before i got really into him. it was good all around.

i agree about Shawshank...its based on a short story by King and it can get emotional but nothing like Green Mile. really cool ending as well:)

Big Night is a great sort of old fashioned (set in the 50s down the shore in NJ)about two brothers trying to save their restaurant. its funny and sweet and stars Tucci and Shalhoub.has really great music too...i almost wore out my cd listening to it.

i don't watch a lot of quiet movies or chick flick type movies so its hard for me to recommend. movies i like are kinda weird or gritty....like Reservior Dogs and Public Fiction or a lot of Mike Meyers films..
How I Married an Ax Murderer (or maybe its I Married and Ax Murderer?) is good...its a film Mike wrote back in the 90s after Wayne's World. it reminds me more of those romantic comedies from, the 50s or early 60s set in modern times.
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Netflix - Page 2 Empty Re: Netflix

Post by Suzzzz Tue Jul 27, 2010 9:51 pm

Secondhand Lions was my first choice for next pick. Thanks, Susan and Sue, for confirming. I've seen Galaxy Quest and Catch Me If You Can, and liked them both so much I own them now. (Amazon is killer for buying used movies for a buck or 2 more than you can rent them for!)

Honestly, I have no interest in sitting through Titanic just for the love story. And action thrillers are not really my "speed." tongue Seriously, I had to keep stopping Bolt because it got too exciting! Shocked

I think I have a new list for the immediate future:

Seconhand Lions
Shawshank Redemption (this keeps coming up; I should see why)
Contact (always meant to see Sagan's movie venture; thanks for reminding me)
Big Night (I'm still so in love with Monk I'll try any Shalhoub!)
Love Actually
Toy Story
Remember the Titans (You're right about that title, Susan)
Space Cowboys (maybe but not sure... it sounds so guy-flick!)

I'm going to ditch the thrillers and marathons for now. Netflix is great, but just because I can have any candy in the store doesn't mean I have to pick licorice or jelly beans when I know I don't like them.

Y'all are the best! I'm truly grateful you're willing to advise me in my movie quest! Very Happy
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Netflix - Page 2 Empty Re: Netflix

Post by Susan A Wed Jul 28, 2010 10:01 am

My apologies to Mr ShalHoub for omitting the sneaky "h" in his name. Never noticed it! The first time I remember seeing him in anything was as Jack Jeebs in "Men in Black." He also had small part as a Cuban informant (?) in "Primary Colors." Back then, I had no idea who he was, but I noticed that it was the same actor and marveled at the range of characters he seemed to be able to portray. A talented dude, to be sure!

Suzzzz, I really don't think I'd describe "Space Cowboys" as a guy flick. I'm pretty sure I enjoyed it at least as much as, if not more than, the hub did. It was fun watching some "mature" fellas I like a whole lot showing that sometimes old guys DO rule! It's not weighty, but it is entertaining. I'd call it a darned good beer-and-popcorn movie.

Btw, are you familiar with www.imdb.com ? It's a great way to check out movies, actors, directors, etc. For us, it has solved so many of those that-guy-looks-familiar-what-else-have-we-seen-him-in? questions.
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Netflix - Page 2 Empty Re: Netflix

Post by BobCat Wed Jul 28, 2010 11:26 am

Titanic always irritated the bejeebers out of me. They took one of the great tragedies of the 20th century, and obviously thought that's not compelling enough to hold the interest of the movie-going public, so they fictionalized it with a love story. There were real people on that ship, with real tragic love stories, and had they taken a little time to do some research, they may have come up with a much better film. Instead, they made a chick flick with special effects. Grrrr.

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Netflix - Page 2 Empty Re: Netflix

Post by Suzzzz Wed Jul 28, 2010 9:33 pm

Thank you, MaryBobCat, that's exactly why I've never had any interest in seeing Titanic. Thank you for putting it so succinctly. Every life, no matter how mundane, has it's own drama and pathos, but instead of delving into that, they used all those real lives as a mere backdrop. I think it trivializes a terrible tragedy.

Susan, believe me, imdb is my constant companion! It's excellent, especially for those Who IS that guy? I know I've seen him! moments. (Pegged Chester from Soap while watching Deep Space 9 last week, and imdb confirmed. Sweet! Twisted Evil ) I do read summaries and reviews there, but I find that personal recs & reviews from people I know remain the most valuable. And, okay! Space Cowboys remains on the list! Very Happy

So, as I wander through the candy store, I will continue to lay my possibles at y'all's feet for comment. All healthy debate appreciated!
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Netflix - Page 2 Empty Re: Netflix

Post by jeanebellini Wed Jul 28, 2010 9:38 pm

i like the old black and white Titanic movie....i can't remember the name of it though. it wasn't Titanic but it was about the Titanic. think it was from the 40s maybe. I can never hear "Nearer My God to Thee' without crying. even when it was part of my piano lessons i'd play it and cry.

imdb is great...if you like Tony (and yeah his "h" is shifty:) I never knew about it until i was trying to get his movie stuff on ebay (back in the day when i was ebaying like a lunatic!). check out his movie list and you'll be amazed! he's been in a LOT of stuff! (anyone remember the movie Paulie about the talking parrot?)
Like (Stanley) Tucci, Tony can play a lot of different nationalities so he can do a lot of parts:)
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Netflix - Page 2 Empty Re: Netflix

Post by BobCat Thu Jul 29, 2010 10:39 am

The movie you remember, JB, is A Night to Remember. I've inserted the link to the IMDB info.

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Netflix - Page 2 Empty Re: Netflix

Post by jeanebellini Thu Jul 29, 2010 3:06 pm

that's it! i thought it had the word night in it but that was about it!
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Netflix - Page 2 Empty Re: Netflix

Post by Sue Short Thu Jul 29, 2010 8:59 pm

Starred Clifton Webb and Barbara Stanwyck didn't it?

Hey, you have to have a couple of more sports movies
in there. So since I like baseball. Bull Durham and Field
of Dreams. Also, if you like Nicolas Cage check out one of
his earlier movies with Cher. Moonstruck.
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Netflix - Page 2 Empty Re: Netflix

Post by Suzzzz Fri Jul 30, 2010 10:38 pm

I loved Moonstruck but I haven't seen it in ages. Did it have sports in it?? Oh, wait, sorry, that was a Nic Cage reference. Actually, I don't like Cage much, but I love Cher. She is a MUCH better actress than she is a singer! I saw Bull Durham many years ago (HAD to -- Durham NC is one town over from me!) but never saw Field. I'll put it on the list, but I have to tell you, Sue, sports movies are not high on my agenda.

Which reminds me. Saw a reference tonight on Jeopardy (forgive me, it's fun to watch) to The Witches of Eastwick. Cher was in that and also Susan Sarandon, another favorite of mine. Remember that?
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Netflix - Page 2 Empty Re: Netflix

Post by Sue Short Sat Jul 31, 2010 12:49 pm

Yes, I do. It wasn't real favorite of mine. I'm not a big fan of
Mike Nicholas. Moonstruck, involoved opera. Though there was
nothing operatic about the opening titles. "When the moon hits
your eyes that's amoura(sp)".

I know what you mean about sports movies 8 out of 10 them leave me
cold. Same for horse movies, though the Black Stallion and the Man from
Snowy River were just great.
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Netflix - Page 2 Empty Re: Netflix

Post by jeanebellini Sat Jul 31, 2010 6:44 pm

i think its Nic's character in Moonstruck that loves opera and he takes Cher's charactere to the opera. (I also think Nic's character only has one hand). ....i have a different reference to Moonstruck though. the vet that does the Pet Stop on the all NJ news show had a tux kitty (I think Tux...or maybe all black)his son named Moonstruck. I found out a few weeks ago Moonstruck passed over at the age of 21. a good long lived kitty and very well caRed for:) ....and i DO like the movie as well:) (but then i will watch anything Nic is in....i really love Face/Off with Travolta...cuz he's another guy i will watch anything he's in:) ).

I really think you'll get a kick out of Moonstruck for the story alone:)
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Netflix - Page 2 Empty Re: Netflix

Post by jeanebellini Wed Aug 04, 2010 9:19 pm

i saw this in a post from a cartoonist/teacher on Facebook..its something he just watched from Netflix. Its a documentary of the guy who draws the comic Bone. I sat in on one of his panels in NYCC several years ago. It was just one of those 'happened to walk in after it started cuz i needed a place to eat a snack and wound up staying' things. he was pretty interesting and it sounds like the movie is as well. here's the title if you want to look it up;
The Cartoonist: Jeff Smith, Bone and the Changing Face of Comics
Harvey Pekar is in there...he just recently died but he was a very interesting character as well. And if you don't know about Bone its NOT anything X or even R rated;) (though that's what i USED to think it was! Suspect )
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Netflix - Page 2 Empty Re: Netflix

Post by Suzzzz Thu Aug 05, 2010 9:30 pm

Thanks, Jeane. It's not just movie recs I want but documentaries, too. I've seen some great ones and have a huge list of possibles from a listing site. The ones I like are about real people and their passions in life. [Garbage Warrior, A Man named Pearl, The Eyes of Tammy Faye, to name a few]

I'm not much into graphic novels... actually I've never read one. Comics, to me, means comic strips like Mutts, Peanuts, Pearls, etc. I've never been into action-adventure comic books like Superman and all that. But what I'm finding out about asking for recs is that it's taking me to new horizons. I've put the Jeff Smith doc on my list. We shall see. Very Happy

I'm getting very bold ever since I not only lived through but was totally enthralled by The Green Mile. I watched "Night At The Museum 2" tonight, and it was okay fun, but Shawshank Redemption is due on Saturday and I feel like I'm just biding my time until it gets here. pirat

PS, sending prayers for Moonstruck the kitty and his human family. 21 is a remarkably long life for a kit. I'll wager the caring went both ways. May they all be at peace.
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Netflix - Page 2 Empty Re: Netflix

Post by Sue Short Thu Aug 05, 2010 9:56 pm

I've seen Night at the Museum II. It was fun, nice piece of fluff for
Saturday night. Glad you liked the Green Mile. I may get that from
the library and revisit it.

Last edited by Sue Short on Thu Aug 05, 2010 10:48 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Netflix - Page 2 Empty Re: Netflix

Post by jeanebellini Thu Aug 05, 2010 10:31 pm

there's a really good one about the hair industry ...i can't remember the name of it..Good Hair maybe? Chris Rock did it. its not only funny its interesting and you'll see stuff you've never seen before!
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Netflix - Page 2 Empty Re: Netflix

Post by Suzzzz Fri Aug 06, 2010 10:12 pm

Saw that! ("Good Hair" is correct.) I had NO idea! I mean, I've sometimes wished I had better hair, for sure, but to go to those lengths (so to speak)... well, the whole glimpse into a whole different hair culture was fascinating!
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Netflix - Page 2 Empty Re: Netflix

Post by Sue Short Fri Aug 06, 2010 10:15 pm

I just thought, I don't know if you like scary movies.
The original Haunting. It's in black and white and it
will really mess with your head. In fact, I've been know
to sleep with the lights on after I've seen it.
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